"The FBO Charges Me Too Much to Wash My Plane, I'm Going to Do It Myself" He Stated
Not long ago, I was out at the local airport with a buddy of mine and we were going to fly around the patch, and then fly over his brother's ranch house, and just put a couple hours on the plane, because it had been sitting all month, and he really just wanted to fly the cobwebs out of the cowling. The aircraft was dirty, and I didn't mean to make a deal of it, when I mentioned the fact, and he said; "The local FBO here charges me too much to wash it, so, I'm Going have to do...
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-FBO-Charges-Me-Too-Much-to-Wash-My-Plane,-Im-Going-to-Do-It-Myself-He-Stated&id=5152163
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