The hardships and all the challenges one experiences when he is in the steps of becoming an official Pilot is never a mediocre one. It is more demanding and could easily take out anyone off if he is not up to it. Becoming a Pilot carries a huge responsibility. The steps and the stages one would have to go through are not like the ones we take when we obtain our driver's license, but somewhat 10 or even 20 times more of the difficulty. Being a Pilot takes a lot more than just intellect, one must simply possess the desire, the heart and dedicate all there is in becoming an official pilot. All of what you have learned will be put up to the test in a test and this is the Private Pilot Check ride.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Important-Information-for-You-to-Pass-the-Private-Pilot-Check-Ride&id=7018466
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